Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Chapter of My Life

10 January 2008 bertepatan dengan Tahun Baru Islam...tahun baru Islam ditandai dengan Hijrahnya Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Mekkah ke Madinah...dan tahun baru Islam kali ini sangat berarti buat aku...

1.Hijrah Domisili...dari Surabaya ke Solo (ikut suami bow...finally...ga jauhan lageeee...)
2.Hijrah Profesi...dari wanita karir ke Work At Home Wife (Soon become Work At Home Mom...tinggal nunggu dedek nya ada...Amien)...lagi cari waktu yang tepat buat usaha sendiri...ngerasa jiwa ini uda ga "Pas" lagi kerja kantoran yang notabene terjebak di rutinitas...do'ain yaaaa...biar bisa cepet wujudin mimpi punya usaha and dedek...
3.Hijrah Tanggung Jawab...di rumah dulu biasa siapin semua-muanya sendiri, buat sendiri, mama, papa dan adik2x...tapi kan masih ada mama yg always be there for me...ga semuanya pure sendiri...sekarang harus siapin semua-muanya bener2x sendiri, cuma buat sendiri dan suami...huhuhu...miss you mommy...(hehe..cuma kangen mama aja loh...bukan berarti keberatan ama tanggung jawab yg sekarang)

My Farewell Letter

The decision has been made...7 January 2008 is my last day working in this big compay...it's not an easy decision...but I've decided to choose the other path...
Life is like a book...everyday has a new page with adventures to tell, things to learn and tales to remember
Here is my farewell letter on that last day...

It's been a great time, pleasure and abundance learning experience to work for 6 Years, 2 Months and 6 days here in Tjiwi Kimia and now... Today 7 January 2008, it's time for me to choose the other path...I have to move to another city, live with my husband there...and continue an never ending journey of my life...I would like to thank you for your cooperation and deeply apologize for many wrong doing and wrong saying I've made during my period of working here.
My special thanks to :
1. Sinarmas Group, APP and Tjiwi Kimia...who gave me the chance to met the right person to love :)
2. Pak Joni..for the opportunity that have been given to me to learn a lot of things...especially to introduce me with "The Secret" and "Law of Attraction"...It really works Pak...keep the spirit...and please consider all stationery members as ONE TEAM...and lead this team to be the best team ever...
3. Pak Martin, Pak Ferry and Pak Rizal...for the guidance and support.
4. Mbak Ida...who interviewed me 6 years ago...thanks a lot
5. Bli Anom and "Ayah" Endra...both of you are the best...thanks you for being such a good leader, advisor, and brother to me...who always stood up for me when I needed it...who always give me the best advise...best luck for both of you.
6. ME and AFRICA team (Tania, mbak Didi, mbak Anna, mbak Diah, and Putri)...be tough and keep the spirit guys...
5. Lolita...my coffee lover mate...hehe...sekarang ngopi sendirian yah...gonna miss you and the "coffee time" with you...thanks for the"Chit-Chat" and for the gift that you gave me this morning...
6. Abdur, Demmy, Mas Indra, Cie Serly, Tania, Susan...Thanks guys for sharing the good times and bad times together...mbak Anas, mbak Wiwit, mbak Rinie, Cie Merry, Restu, Deny, Kurnia, Dessy, She Shien and to all stationery sales and marketing team...you know that the saddest thing at this moment is to leave you all...thanks for the cooperation and friendship we have for the past 6 years.
6. Design dept, Prepress, Planning dept, Production dept, Shipping Dept,EDD, and all my friends and collegues I haven't been able to mention here......for good cooperation and support.
I am sure we will cross path again in the future, keep in touch and best luck for all of us.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Foto Hunimun neeehh..hehe..telat juga

Kemarin pas hubby pulang ke Surabaya, hubby tunjukin foto pas kita ber-2 hunimun…hehe…sampe lupa pernah foto kaya’ gini neeeh abis uda 5 bulan lalu :) …mmmhhh...what a happy couple !

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Kuliner Solo (Photo yang telat diposting) - Part 2

Ini nih foto "Sup Matahari"...baru sempet di-up load, lucu yah bentuk nya...mirip banget ama gambar matahari (gamabr matahari klo pas kita gambar waktu SD dulu tuh...) pokoknya siapa aja yang ciptain resep ini pasti kreatif banget deh...Berhubung menu yang ini uda habis, hubby pesen menu yang lain...namanya "Sup Galantine", isi nya sih sama cuma tampilannya aja yang beda...kaya' yang ini nih...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Kuliner Solo (Photo yang telat di posting) - part 1

Naaahhh...ini niyy...foto2x wisata kuliner kita di solo...telat banget sih...tapi ga pa-pa lah...daripada ga ada sama sekali :-)

Gudeg Ceker Bu Kasno di Margoyudan...mmhh...akhirnya kesampaian juga nih...abis ngetop-nya uda sampe seantero Indonesia...masa iya ga nyobain...walopun buka-nya dini hari tapi jangan ditanya deh antriannya...whuaaaa...ruameeeee bangeeetttt...

Tips dari kita nih : berjuang cari tempat tepat di depan Bu Kasno...kaya' kita tuh...berhasil dapet tempat tepat di depan Bu Kasno yang sibuk ngejualin...klo komunikasi ama penjual lancar kan dapet nya juga lancar hehehe...tapi klo terpaksa ga bisa ya...pasrah ajah cari tempat yang available...pegawai2x Bu Kasno gesit2x kok and ga lama2x amat nunggu pesenan kita...tapi klo lagi puasaan mending dateng lebih malem (bukan lebih pagi loh...)pokoknya jangan mepet2x ke waktu imsyak...klo uda deket2x imsyak gitu tambah ruameeee bangeettss...bisa2x lewat deh sahurnya...OK...selamat mencoba...dijamin ga nyesel deh...jarang2x kan maem dini hari gitu...rasakan sensasinya...antara ngantuk, cape' ngantri, laper, and kepedesan karena sambel goreng kreceknya hehehe...ditambah lagi klo pesen cekernya...wuiiihhhh...harus extra telaten...kan aga2x susah tuh... :)